Another birthday....

How was your weekend?  Was it full of crafting or busy with other fun activities?  I spent most of my weekend catching up on work around the house that has been piling up while I worked on renovating my spare room.  If you want to check out my week on instagram click here.  Despite my best efforts I didn't get anytime for crafting, so today I'm showing you a card I made a little while ago, but haven't posted yet.  Yes it's another birthday card.  You can't have too many right?

If you like this card and want to learn how to make it yourself (and order the supplies) email me at and I'll be happy to help you out with that.  If you just want to get your hands on the card you can head on over to my store at to purchase it.

Later this week I'll be announcing the dates for my May & June classes.  Keep an eye out for it and come along if you want to get crafty with like minded people.

Happy crafting.

